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Percussion Class
Grading Rubric
The grading rubric for the percussion classes is provided below.
Be prepared to perform any measure from your marching music for your exam. You will be required to perform both as a section and individually Also, be ready to demonstrate your instrument skills. Further details will be shared in class.
Music Performance Quality - Do you know the music
Musicianship is very poor. There is no knowledge of the music, control of timing, keeping tempo, or music reading. There is no knowl-edge of the music exercis-es and or rudiments/scales.
There is an occasional display of musicianship. The individual has some knowledge of the proper technique. There is little knowledge of the music exercises and or rudiments/scales.
Musicianship is apparent, resulting in a moderate display of musicianship. The individual has knowledge of the Music. There is apparent knowledge of the music, exercises and or rudiments/scales with some flaws.
Musical qualities are achieved. Has frequent control over the music. There is apparent knowledge of music, exercises, and or rudiments/scales with minor flaws.
There is a continued level of superior performance quality. Has strong control over the technique to play this instrument.There is a full knowledge of all music, exercises and most rudi-ments/scales
Technical Performance Quality - How do you play?
Musicianship is very poor. Performer has basic technique problems. Differences in technique hamper uniformity when playing. Clarity rarely exist. The individual shows no grasp of proper stick control, flow, sound quality, stroke types, and control of dynamics.
There is an occasional display of proper technique resulting in some qualities of musicianship. Individual problems are still preset. Clarity is inconsistent. The individual shows little grasp of proper stick control, flow, sound quality, stroke types, and control of dynamics.
Musicianship is apparent, resulting in a moderate display of technique. Clarity is generally consistent, but still contains flaws. The individual shows some grasp of proper stick/mallet control, flow, sound quality, stroke types, and control of dynamics.
A sound display of musicianship is evident. Clarity is consistent with minor flaws. The individual shows relatively Consistent grasp of proper stick control, flow, sound quality, stroke types, and control of dynamics. There is apparent knowledge of exercises and or rudiments with minor flaws.
The individual shows a superior performance quality. Consistent grasp of proper stick control, flow, sound quality, stroke types, and control of dynamics are evident. Chops are very evident. There are few weaknesses. Knowledgeable of all technical concepts
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